List more than 30 students in a class in Google Classroom API query Ask Question code example

Example: List more than 30 students in a class in Google Classroom API query Ask Question

// Runs once, then again until nextPageToken is missing in the response.
const roster = [],
    // The optional arguments pageToken and pageSize can be independently omitted or included.
    // In general, 'pageToken' is essentially required for large collections.
    options = {pageSize: /* reasonable number */};

do {
  // Get the next page of students for this course.
  var search = Classroom.Courses.Students.list(courseId, options);

  // Add this page's students to the local collection of students.
  // (Could do something else with them now, too.)
  if (search.students)
    Array.prototype.push.apply(roster, search.students);

  // Update the page for the request
  options.pageToken = search.nextPageToken;
} while (options.pageToken);
Logger.log("There are %s students in class # %s", roster.length, courseId);