list of items to javascript array code example

Example 1: js arrays

// Making an array:
const colors = ["red", "orange", "yellow"];

// Arrays are indexed like strings:
colors[0]; // "red"

// They have a length:
colors.length; //3

// Important array methods:
//push(value) - adds value to the END of an array
//pop() - removes and returns last value in array

//unshift(val) - adds value to START of an array
//shift() - removes and returns first element in an array

Example 2: how to make a array in javascript

//Im using a let type variable for the example because it's what i reccomend

let exampleArray = ["Example", "Lorem Ispum Dolor", "I think you've got it"]

//Here's how you select a single object in the list


/*In Javascript the arrays start counting at 0 which means i selected the 2nd
object in the list(Lorem Ispum Dolor) so if i wanna select the first array i
must type*/


/*Now let's say you want to display it on the console, like let's say you are 
coding in Node.js and you wanna see the value of the array.
P.S: In the example im gonna show all the values of the array.*/

console.log(exampleArray[0, 1, 2]