JavaScript map & find at the same time: findMap?

Built-in map is greedy so you have to write your own, lazy version:

const a = [2, 5, 78, 4];
const expensiveFunction = n => {
     console.log('expensiveFunction for', n); 
     return 2 * n 

function *map(a, fn) {
    for(let x of a)
        yield fn(x);

function find(a, fn) {
    for(let x of a)
        if (fn(x))
            return x;

r = find(map(a, expensiveFunction), x => x > 100)
console.log('result', r)

Unlike the stock map, this map is a generator and returns (yields) results on demand rather than processing the whole array at once. find and map in this example are "coroutines" and play some kind of a ping-pong game where find asks for results and map delivers them when asked. As soon as find is satisfied with what it's got, it quits and so does map, because nobody is asking for its results anymore.

You can also add map, find and friends to the IteratorPrototype to make them available for all iterators and be able to use dot notation:

const IteratorPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.getPrototypeOf([][Symbol.iterator]()));

Object.defineProperties(IteratorPrototype, {
    map: {
        value: function* (fn) {
            for (let x of this) {
                yield fn(x);
        enumerable: false

    find: {
        value: function (fn) {
            for (let x of this) {
                if (fn(x))
                    return x;
        enumerable: false



const a = [2, 5, 78, 4];
const expensiveFunction = n => {
    console.log('expensiveFunction', n);
    return 2 * n

let r = a.values().map(expensiveFunction).find(x => x > 100);


Here's a small library based on this technique:

Something like this

const a = [2, 5, 78, 4];
const expensiveFunction = n => 2 * n;
let findMap = arr => {
  let found = arr.find(a => expensiveFunction(a) > 100)
  return found !== undefined ? expensiveFunction(found) : found


Alert:- JUST out of curiosity , But hacky or you can call it misuse of find

const a = [2, 5, 78, 4];
const expensiveFunction = n => 2 * n;
let findMap = arr => {
  let returnValue;
  let found = arr.find(a => {
    returnValue = expensiveFunction(a)
    return returnValue > 100
  return returnValue
