math function js code example

Example 1: javascript math methods

abs(x)	Returns the absolute value of x
acos(x)	Returns the arccosine of x, in radians
acosh(x)	Returns the hyperbolic arccosine of x
asin(x)	Returns the arcsine of x, in radians
asinh(x)	Returns the hyperbolic arcsine of x
atan(x)	Returns the arctangent of x as a numeric value between -PI/2 and PI/2 radians
atan2(y, x)	Returns the arctangent of the quotient of its arguments
atanh(x)	Returns the hyperbolic arctangent of x
cbrt(x)	Returns the cubic root of x
ceil(x)	Returns x, rounded upwards to the nearest integer
cos(x)	Returns the cosine of x (x is in radians)
cosh(x)	Returns the hyperbolic cosine of x
exp(x)	Returns the value of Ex
floor(x)	Returns x, rounded downwards to the nearest integer
log(x)	Returns the natural logarithm (base E) of x
max(x, y, z, ..., n)	Returns the number with the highest value
min(x, y, z, ..., n)	Returns the number with the lowest value
pow(x, y)	Returns the value of x to the power of y
random()	Returns a random number between 0 and 1
round(x)	Rounds x to the nearest integer
sin(x)	Returns the sine of x (x is in radians)
sinh(x)	Returns the hyperbolic sine of x
sqrt(x)	Returns the square root of x
tan(x)	Returns the tangent of an angle
tanh(x)	Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a number
trunc(x)	Returns the integer part of a number (x)

Example 2: js maths objects

E: 2.718281828459045
LN2: 0.6931471805599453
LN10: 2.302585092994046
LOG2E: 1.4426950408889634
LOG10E: 0.4342944819032518
PI: 3.141592653589793
SQRT1_2: 0.7071067811865476
SQRT2: 1.4142135623730951
abs: ƒ abs()
acos: ƒ acos()
acosh: ƒ acosh()
asin: ƒ asin()
asinh: ƒ asinh()
atan: ƒ atan()
atan2: ƒ atan2()
atanh: ƒ atanh()
cbrt: ƒ cbrt()
ceil: ƒ ceil()
clz32: ƒ clz32()
cos: ƒ cos()
cosh: ƒ cosh()
exp: ƒ exp()
expm1: ƒ expm1()
floor: ƒ floor()
fround: ƒ fround()
hypot: ƒ hypot()
imul: ƒ imul()
log: ƒ log()
log1p: ƒ log1p()
log2: ƒ log2()
log10: ƒ log10()
max: ƒ max()
min: ƒ min()
pow: ƒ pow()
random: ƒ random()
round: ƒ round()
sign: ƒ sign()
sin: ƒ sin()
sinh: ƒ sinh()
sqrt: ƒ sqrt()
tan: ƒ tan()
tanh: ƒ tanh()
trunc: ƒ trunc()
Symbol(Symbol.toStringTag): "Math"
__proto__: Object

Example 3: js maths

JS Numbers and Math:

Number Properties:
The maximum numeric value representable in JavaScript
Smallest positive numeric value representable in JavaScript
The “Not-a-Number” value
The negative Infinity value
Positive Infinity value

Number Methods:
Returns a string with a rounded number written as exponential notation
Returns the string of a number with a specified number of decimals
String of a number written with a specified length
Returns a number as a string
Returns a number as a number

Math Properties:
E Euler’s number
LN2 The natural logarithm of 2
LN10 Natural logarithm of 10
LOG2E Base 2 logarithm of E
LOG10E Base 10 logarithm of E
PI The number PI
SQRT1_2 Square root of 1/2
SQRT2 The square root of 2

Math Methods:
Returns the absolute (positive) value of x
The arccosine of x, in radians
Arcsine of x, in radians
The arctangent of x as a numeric value
Arctangent of the quotient of its arguments
Value of x rounded up to its nearest integer
The cosine of x (x is in radians)
Value of Ex
The value of x rounded down to its nearest integer
The natural logarithm (base E) of x
Returns the number with the highest value
Same for the number with the lowest value
X to the power of y
Returns a random number between 0 and 1
The value of x rounded to its nearest integer
The sine of x (x is in radians)
Square root of x
The tangent of an angle

Example 4: math js

function sum(a, b) {
  return a + b;

function subtract(a, b) {
  return a - b;

function multiply(a, b) {
  return a * b;

function divide(a, b) {
  if (b === 0) {
    console.log("can't divide by zero");

  if (a === 0 && b === 0) {

  //or this without any IFs
  return a / b;