multiple line text in javascript code example
Example 1: html how to type a long string in many lines
function getLongString() {
return `
Bacon ipsum dolor amet boudin pastrami shankle ham fatback
pork. Short ribs ham beef, filet mignon ball tip sirloin
shankle t-bone drumstick. Ground round drumstick pancetta
fatback alcatra.
function getDynamicMessage() {
const personName = "Dave Dude";
const whatever = (((1 + 2) * 3) / 4);
return `
Hello, ${personName}! Here's a very long string with
some dynamic values in, such as: ${whatever}`;
Example 2: javascript string in multiple lines
var html = `
<span>Some HTML here</span>
Example 3: javascript multiline string
var MultilineString = `This
a multiline
var MultilineString = 'This \n\
is \n\
a multiline \n\