Page Object Models code example

Example: page object model

Pom basically Creating java classes
for the each page of our application,
and storing related webelements,
and methods in their respective classes.
Advantages of POM =
First of all, it makes our code REUSABLE.
I don't have to repeatedly locate web elements
in every single other class.
Secondly it is EASY TO MAINTAIN. I store one
webelement in one class and it is a lot easier to
fix any issue with that web element because I know
exactly where everything is stored.
Thirdly is seperating webelements and our test cases.
Our test cases will be cleaner therefore 
easy to manage overall.

#1-I Create constructor, 
and pass PageFactory.initElements(objectOfClass, Driver)
#2- I use @FindBy annotation to locate web elements
            - FindBy annotation comes from Selenium.