php create array 2 value code example

Example 1: php arrays


    #array is a variable that holds multiple values
    Three types of arrays
        - Indexed
        - associative
        - Multi-dimensional
    // Indexed array is the most common and easiest
    $people = array('Kevin', 'Jeremy ', 'Sara');
    $ids = array(23, 55, 12);
    $cars = ['Honda', ' Toyota', 'Ford'];  // also an array
    //add to an array
    $cars[3] = ' Audi';
    // you can use empty brackets and it will be added to the last one
    $cars[] = ' Chevy';

    echo $people[1];
    echo $ids[1];
    echo $cars[1];    
    echo $cars[3];
    echo $cars[4];
    echo count($cars);
    //you can also print the entire array
    //to look at data type
    echo var_dump($cars);

    //Associative Arrays key pairs
    $people1 = array('Kevin' => 35, 'Jeremy' => 23, 'Sara' => 19);
    $ids1 = array(23 => 'Kevin', 55 => 'Jeremy', 12 => 'Sara');
    echo $people1['Kevin'];
    echo $ids1[23];
    //add to these types of arrays
    $people1['Jill'] = 44;
    echo $people1['Jill'];

    //Multi-Dimensional Arrays aka an array within an array
    $cars2 = array(

    echo $cars2[1][0];


Example 2: php array functions

array_change_key_case()	Changes all keys in an array to lowercase or uppercase
array_chunk()	Splits an array into chunks of arrays
array_column()	Returns the values from a single column in the input array
array_combine()	Creates an array by using the elements from one "keys" array and one "values" array
array_count_values()	Counts all the values of an array
array_diff()	Compare arrays, and returns the differences (compare values only)
array_diff_assoc()	Compare arrays, and returns the differences (compare keys and values)
array_diff_key()	Compare arrays, and returns the differences (compare keys only)
array_diff_uassoc()	Compare arrays, and returns the differences (compare keys and values, using a user-defined key comparison function)
array_diff_ukey()	Compare arrays, and returns the differences (compare keys only, using a user-defined key comparison function)
array_fill()	Fills an array with values
array_fill_keys()	Fills an array with values, specifying keys
array_filter()	Filters the values of an array using a callback function
array_flip()	Flips/Exchanges all keys with their associated values in an array
array_intersect()	Compare arrays, and returns the matches (compare values only)
array_intersect_assoc()	Compare arrays and returns the matches (compare keys and values)
array_intersect_key()	Compare arrays, and returns the matches (compare keys only)
array_intersect_uassoc()	Compare arrays, and returns the matches (compare keys and values, using a user-defined key comparison function)
array_intersect_ukey()	Compare arrays, and returns the matches (compare keys only, using a user-defined key comparison function)