JavaScript private class methods with Snowpack

Snowpack Plugin: snowpack-plugin-acorn-injection

Expanding off of @noseratio's work, I have created a NPM dependency called snowpack-plugin-acorn-injection that will inject the relevant Acorn plugins into Rollup's internal configuration.

The plugin is available:

  • on NPM:
  • on GitHub:


Dependency Installation

Install the plugin and the relevant Acorn plugin(s) that are desired (for example, acorn-stage3) as development dependencies.


  • npm:
    npm install --save-dev snowpack-plugin-acorn-injection acorn-stage3
  • Yarn:
    yarn add --dev snowpack-plugin-acorn-injection acorn-stage3

Configure Snowpack

Configure the project's Snowpack configuration with snowpack-plugin-acorn-injection and the relevant Acorn plugins:

  "plugins": [
        "plugins": [

I've figured it out, using Rollup.js options hook and acorn-stage3 acorn plugin, repo.

acorn-private-methods can be used as well (if only private methods wanted).

  • Create a custom Rollup.js plugin, I called it @noseratio/rollup-acorn-conf:
"use strict";

module.exports = function plugin(hostOpts = {}) {
  return { 
    name: 'rollup-acorn-conf',

    options: rollupOpts => { 
      console.log("Enabling 'acorn-stage3'...");
      rollupOpts.acorn = rollupOpts.acorn ?? {};
      rollupOpts.acorn.ecmaVersion = 2020;
      rollupOpts.acornInjectPlugins = rollupOpts.acornInjectPlugins ?? [];
      return rollupOpts;

Its package.json:

  "name": "@noseratio/rollup-acorn-conf",
  "version": "0.1.1",
  "description": "Enable ES2020 features (Stage 3) for Rollup.js",
  "homepage": "",
  "main": "index.js",
  "scripts": {},
  "devDependencies": {
    "acorn-stage3": "^4.0.0"
  • In snowpack.config.js:
  installOptions: {
    rollup: { 
      plugins: [require('@noseratio/rollup-acorn-conf')()]