push apply code example

Example 1: js array push

const arr = ["foo", "bar"];
arr.push('baz'); // 3
arr; // ["foo", "bar", "baz"]

Example 2: .push js

let monTableau2D = [
     ['Mark' , 'jeff' , 'Bill'] , 
     ['Zuckerberg' , 'Bezos' , 'Gates']
 ] ;
 monTableau2D[1].push('test') ; 
 console.log(monTableau2D) ;
let monTableau = ['un', 'deux','trois', 'quatre'] ;
monTableau.push('cinq') ;
console.log(monTableau) ;


let monTableauAssociatif = {
     'prenom' : 'Mark' ,
     'nom'    : 'Zuckerberg' , 
     'poste'  : 'Pdg de Facebook',

 } ;
 monTableauAssociatif['nationalite'] = 'Américaine' ;
 console.log(monTableauAssociatif) ;

Example 3: what does results.push({}) nodejs mean

const mongoose = require('mongoose');

var data = async function () {

    const array = await mongoose.connection.collection("organizations").find({}).toArray(function(err, result) {
        if (err) throw err;
        return result.map(r => r.name);

    console.log(array); //this shows only [] meaning that the array is now empty.
                        //this is shown in the log before the first log
    return array;

module.exports = {
    data: data,