querySelectorAll en js code example

Example 1: js foreach querySelectorAll

const allSpanElements = document.querySelectorAll('span');

allSpanElements.forEach((spanElement) => {
  	// Here comes the Code that should be executed on every Element, e.g.
	spanElement.innerHTML = "This Content will appear on every span Element now";

Example 2: js querySelectorAll

// https://www.google.com/
// this puts a border around the 'a' tags of 'Google offered in' section.

// within this id find all the 'a' tags
var languages = document.querySelectorAll("#SIvCob a");

// loop through all the a tags a add a border to the tags
for(var i = 0; i < languages.length; i++){
    document.querySelectorAll("#SIvCob a")[i].style.border = "1px solid black";
