react js change value of checkbox checked using map code example

Example: select checkbox raitng in order javascript React

<StarRatingComponent    name={String} /* name of the radio input, it is required */    value={Number} /* number of selected icon (`0` - none, `1` - first) */    starCount={Number} /* number of icons in rating, default `5` */    onStarClick={Function(nextValue, prevValue, name)} /* on icon click handler */    onStarHover={Function(nextValue, prevValue, name)} /* on icon hover handler */    onStarHoverOut={Function(nextValue, prevValue, name)} /* on icon hover out handler */    renderStarIcon={Function(nextValue, prevValue, name)} /* it should return string or react component */    renderStarIconHalf={Function(nextValue, prevValue, name)} /* it should return string or react component */    starColor={String} /* color of selected icons, default `#ffb400` */    emptyStarColor={String} /* color of non-selected icons, default `#333` */    editing={Boolean} /* is component available for editing, default `true` *//>