react native stripe payment gateway code example

Example: sttripe for payment in react native andorid

import React from 'react';import AddSubscriptionView from '../components/AddSubscriptionView';const STRIPE_ERROR = 'Payment service error. Try again later.';const SERVER_ERROR = 'Server error. Try again later.';const STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY = 'Your Key';/** * The method sends HTTP requests to the Stripe API. * It's necessary to manually send the payment data * to Stripe because using Stripe Elements in React  * Native apps isn't possible. * * @param creditCardData the credit card data * @return Promise with the Stripe data */const getCreditCardToken = (creditCardData) => {  const card = {    'card[number]': creditCardData.values.number.replace(/ /g, ''),    'card[exp_month]': creditCardData.values.expiry.split('/')[0],    'card[exp_year]': creditCardData.values.expiry.split('/')[1],    'card[cvc]': creditCardData.values.cvc  };  return fetch('', {    headers: {      // Use the correct MIME type for your server      Accept: 'application/json',      // Use the correct Content Type to send data to Stripe      'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',      // Use the Stripe publishable key as Bearer      Authorization: `Bearer ${STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY}`    },    // Use a proper HTTP method    method: 'post',    // Format the credit card data to a string of key-value pairs    // divided by &    body: Object.keys(card)      .map(key => key + '=' + card[key])      .join('&')  }).then(response => response.json());};/** * The method imitates a request to our server. * * @param creditCardToken * @return {Promise<Response>} */const subscribeUser = (creditCardToken) => {  return new Promise((resolve) => {    console.log('Credit card token\n', creditCardToken);    setTimeout(() => {      resolve({ status: true });    }, 1000)  });};/** * The main class that submits the credit card data and * handles the response from Stripe. */export default class AddSubscription extends React.Component {  static navigationOptions = {    title: 'Subscription page',  };  constructor(props) {    super(props);    this.state = {      submitted: false,      error: null    }  }  // Handles submitting the payment request  onSubmit = async (creditCardInput) => {    const { navigation } = this.props;    // Disable the Submit button after the request is sent    this.setState({ submitted: true });    let creditCardToken;    try {      // Create a credit card token      creditCardToken = await getCreditCardToken(creditCardInput);      if (creditCardToken.error) {        // Reset the state if Stripe responds with an error        // Set submitted to false to let the user subscribe again        this.setState({ submitted: false, error: STRIPE_ERROR });        return;      }    } catch (e) {      // Reset the state if the request was sent with an error      // Set submitted to false to let the user subscribe again      this.setState({ submitted: false, error: STRIPE_ERROR });      return;    }    // Send a request to your server with the received credit card token    const { error } = await subscribeUser(creditCardToken);    // Handle any errors from your server    if (error) {      this.setState({ submitted: false, error: SERVER_ERROR });    } else {      this.setState({ submitted: false, error: null });      navigation.navigate('Home')    }  };    // render the subscription view component and pass the props to it  render() {    const { submitted, error } = this.state;    return (        <AddSubscriptionView          error={error}          submitted={submitted}          onSubmit={this.onSubmit}        />    );  }}