JavaScript: Round to a number of decimal places, but strip extra zeros

Yes, there is a way. Use parseFloat().

parseFloat((1.005).toFixed(15)) //==> 1.005
parseFloat((1.000000000).toFixed(15)) //==> 1

See a live example here:

>>> parseFloat(0.9999999.toFixed(4));
>>> parseFloat(0.0009999999.toFixed(4));
>>> parseFloat(0.0000009999999.toFixed(4));

As I understand, you want to remove the trailing zeros in the string that you obtained via toFixed(). This is a pure string operation:

var x = 1.1230000;
var y = x.toFixed(15).replace(/0+$/, "");  // ==> 1.123

Number(n.toFixed(15)) or +(n.toFixed(15)) will convert the 15 place decimal string to a number, removing trailing zeroes.