search bar idle time react js code example

Example: search bar idle time react js

How about a custom hook?

import {useEffect, useRef, useState} from "react";

export default function useSearchInputState(searchHandler) {
  // to prevent calling the handler on component mount
  const didMountRef = useRef(false);

  const [searchValue, setSearchValue] = useState(null);

  useEffect(() => {
    let delayDebounceFn;

    if (didMountRef.current) {
      delayDebounceFn = setTimeout(searchHandler, 600)
    } else {
      didMountRef.current = true;

    return () => clearTimeout(delayDebounceFn);
  }, [searchValue]); // eslint-disable-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps

  return [searchValue, setSearchValue];


function MyComponent(props) {

  const [searchValue, setSearchValue] = useSearchInputState(() => {
    resetData(searchValue ?? null, selectedFilterPos); // replace with your code

  return (
    <input className="Search"
           onChange={e => setSearchValue(e?.target?.value ?? null)}