split the array in javascript code example
Example 1: javascript explode
//split into array of strings.
var str = "Well, how, are , we , doing, today";
var res = str.split(",");
Example 2: string split javascript
var myString = "An,array,in,a,string,separated,by,a,comma";
var myArray = myString.split(",");
* myArray :
* ['An', 'array', 'in', 'a', 'string', 'separated', 'by', 'a', 'comma']
Example 3: javascript turn string into array
var fruits = 'apple, orange, pear, banana, raspberry, peach';
var ar = fruits.split(', '); // split string on comma space
console.log( ar );
// [ "apple", "orange", "pear", "banana", "raspberry", "peach" ]
Example 4: split array javascript
// Returns new array from exising one
arr.slice(start, end);