JavaScript - spread and rest syntax to remove specific property from object

You can use computed properties in destructuring:

let obj = {foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 3}
function removeProperty(obj, propertyName) {
  let { [propertyName]: _, ...result } = obj
  return result
console.log(removeProperty(obj, 'foo'));

This will assign the property with the name of the value propertyName to a throwaway variable and essentially remove that key. See the MDN documentation.

values = {
    id: 1,
    name: 'hello world',
    vehicle: 'car',
    time: '3.30 pm',
    date: '02 MAR 1990',

const { time, date, } = values;

now ****** contains the object values of {
    id: 1,
    name: 'hello world',
    vehicle: 'car',

Another alternative to destructuring would be to use delete. The following solution reduces time-complexity by about 35% compared to destructuring (in Desktop Chrome)


let obj = {foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 3}
function removeProperty(obj, propertyName) {
  let newObj = {...obj};
  delete newObj[propertyName];
  return newObj;
console.log(removeProperty(obj, 'foo'));

Performance Test

The results vary depending upon the browser used. The results are rather intriguing. Desktop Safari destructuring outperforms delete, but Desktop Chrome out performs all numbers from Desktop Safari.

| Browser | delete    | destructure |
| Chrome  | 3,229,791 | 1,993,256   |
| Safari  | 1,186,679 | 1,872,396   | 

The results on iOS are less surprising, as Chrome is just really Safari under the hood.

| Browser | delete    | destructure |
| Chrome  | 1,146,496 | 1,785,551   |
| Safari  | 1,182,067 | 1,793,772   | 
