violin dot plot d3 code example

Example 1: d3 violin plot with points


// set the dimensions and margins of the graph
var margin = {top: 10, right: 30, bottom: 30, left: 40},
    width = 460 - margin.left - margin.right,
    height = 400 - - margin.bottom;

// append the svg object to the body of the page
var svg ="#my_dataviz")
    .attr("width", width + margin.left + margin.right)
    .attr("height", height + + margin.bottom)
          "translate(" + margin.left + "," + + ")");

// Read the data and compute summary statistics for each specie
d3.csv("", function(data) {

  // Build and Show the Y scale
  var y = d3.scaleLinear()
    .domain([ 3.5,8 ])          // Note that here the Y scale is set manually
    .range([height, 0])
  svg.append("g").call( d3.axisLeft(y) )

  // Build and Show the X scale. It is a band scale like for a boxplot: each group has an dedicated RANGE on the axis. This range has a length of x.bandwidth
  var x = d3.scaleBand()
    .range([ 0, width ])
    .domain(["setosa", "versicolor", "virginica"])
    .padding(0.25)     // This is important: it is the space between 2 groups. 0 means no padding. 1 is the maximum.
    .attr("transform", "translate(0," + height + ")")

  // Features of the histogram
  var histogram = d3.histogram()
        .thresholds(y.ticks(20))    // Important: how many bins approx are going to be made? It is the 'resolution' of the violin plot
        .value(d => d)

  // Compute the binning for each group of the dataset
  var sumstat = d3.nest()  // nest function allows to group the calculation per level of a factor
    .key(function(d) { return d.Species;})
    .rollup(function(d) {   // For each key..
      input = { return g.Sepal_Length;})    // Keep the variable called Sepal_Length
      bins = histogram(input)   // And compute the binning on it.

  // What is the biggest number of value in a bin? We need it cause this value will have a width of 100% of the bandwidth.
  var maxNum = 0
  for ( i in sumstat ){
    allBins = sumstat[i].value
    lengths ={return a.length;})
    longuest = d3.max(lengths)
    if (longuest > maxNum) { maxNum = longuest }

  // The maximum width of a violin must be x.bandwidth = the width dedicated to a group
  var xNum = d3.scaleLinear()
    .range([0, x.bandwidth()])

  // Color scale for dots
  var myColor = d3.scaleSequential()

  // Add the shape to this svg!
    .enter()        // So now we are working group per group
      .attr("transform", function(d){ return("translate(" + x(d.key) +" ,0)") } ) // Translation on the right to be at the group position
        .datum(function(d){ return(d.value)})     // So now we are working bin per bin
        .style("stroke", "none")
        .attr("d", d3.area()
            .x0( xNum(0) )
            .x1(function(d){ return(xNum(d.length)) } )
            .y(function(d){ return(y(d.x0)) } )
            .curve(d3.curveCatmullRom)    // This makes the line smoother to give the violin appearance. Try d3.curveStep to see the difference

  // Add individual points with jitter
  var jitterWidth = 40
      .attr("cx", function(d){return(x(d.Species) + x.bandwidth()/2 - Math.random()*jitterWidth )})
      .attr("cy", function(d){return(y(d.Sepal_Length))})
      .attr("r", 5)
      .style("fill", function(d){ return(myColor(d.Sepal_Length))})
      .attr("stroke", "white")



Example 2: d3 violin plot with points


// set the dimensions and margins of the graph
var margin = {top: 10, right: 30, bottom: 30, left: 40},
    width = 460 - margin.left - margin.right,
    height = 400 - - margin.bottom;

// append the svg object to the body of the page
var svg ="#my_dataviz")
    .attr("width", width + margin.left + margin.right)
    .attr("height", height + + margin.bottom)
          "translate(" + margin.left + "," + + ")");

// Read the data and compute summary statistics for each specie
d3.csv("", function(data) {

  // Build and Show the Y scale
  var y = d3.scaleLinear()
    .domain([ 3.5,8 ])          // Note that here the Y scale is set manually
    .range([height, 0])
  svg.append("g").call( d3.axisLeft(y) )

  // Build and Show the X scale. It is a band scale like for a boxplot: each group has an dedicated RANGE on the axis. This range has a length of x.bandwidth
  var x = d3.scaleBand()
    .range([ 0, width ])
    .domain(["setosa", "versicolor", "virginica"])
    .padding(0.25)     // This is important: it is the space between 2 groups. 0 means no padding. 1 is the maximum.
    .attr("transform", "translate(0," + height + ")")

  // Features of the histogram

  var histogram = d3.histogram()
        .thresholds(y.ticks(20))    // Important: how many bins approx are going to be made? It is the 'resolution' of the violin plot
        .value(d => d)

  // Compute the binning for each group of the dataset
  var sumstat = d3.nest()  // nest function allows to group the calculation per level of a factor
    .key(function(d) { return d.Species;})
    .rollup(function(d) {   // For each key..
      input = { return g.Sepal_Length;})    // Keep the variable called Sepal_Length
      bins = histogram(input)   // And compute the binning on it.

  // What is the biggest number of value in a bin? We need it cause this value will have a width of 100% of the bandwidth.
  var maxNum = 0
  for ( i in sumstat ){
    allBins = sumstat[i].value
    lengths ={return a.length;})
    longuest = d3.max(lengths)
    if (longuest > maxNum) { maxNum = longuest }

  // The maximum width of a violin must be x.bandwidth = the width dedicated to a group
  var xNum = d3.scaleLinear()
    .range([0, x.bandwidth()])

  // Color scale for dots
  var myColor = d3.scaleSequential()

  // Add the shape to this svg!
    .enter()        // So now we are working group per group
      .attr("transform", function(d){ return("translate(" + x(d.key) +" ,0)") } ) // Translation on the right to be at the group position
        .datum(function(d){ return(d.value)})     // So now we are working bin per bin
        .style("stroke", "none")
        .attr("d", d3.area()
            .x0( xNum(0) )
            .x1(function(d){ return(xNum(d.length)) } )
            .y(function(d){ return(y(d.x0)) } )
            .curve(d3.curveCatmullRom)    // This makes the line smoother to give the violin appearance. Try d3.curveStep to see the difference

  // Add individual points with jitter
  var jitterWidth = 40
      .attr("cx", function(d){return(x(d.Species) + x.bandwidth()/2 - Math.random()*jitterWidth )})
      .attr("cy", function(d){return(y(d.Sepal_Length))})
      .attr("r", 5)
      .style("fill", function(d){ return(myColor(d.Sepal_Length))})
      .attr("stroke", "white")

