what type does F# infer for the expression (3, [], true) ? Select one code example
Example 1: Given a double-precision number, , denoting an amount of money, use the NumberFormat class' getCurrencyInstance method to convert into the US, Indian, Chinese, and French currency formats
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.Locale;
public class Solution {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
double payment = scanner.nextDouble();
Locale indiaLocale = new Locale("en", "IN");
NumberFormat us = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale.US);
NumberFormat india = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(indiaLocale);
NumberFormat china = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale.CHINA);
NumberFormat france = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale.FRANCE);
System.out.println("US: " + us.format(payment));
System.out.println("India: " + india.format(payment));
System.out.println("China: " + china.format(payment));
System.out.println("France: " + france.format(payment));
Example 2: '%s=%s' % (k, v) for k, v in params.items(), ^ SyntaxError: Generator expression must be parenthesized
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