JAX-WS - Adding SOAP Headers
Data can be transferred in SOAP header (JaxWS) by using @WebParam(header = true):
@WebMethod(operationName = "SendRequest", action = "http://abcd.ru/")
public void sendRequest(
@WebParam(name = "Message", targetNamespace = "http://abcd.ru/", partName = "Message")
Data message,
@WebParam(name = "ServiceHeader", targetNamespace = "http://abcd.ru/", header = true, partName = "ServiceHeader")
Header serviceHeader);
If you want to generate a client with SOAP Headers, you need to use -XadditionalHeaders:
wsimport -keep -Xnocompile -XadditionalHeaders -Xdebug -d /home/evgeny/DEVELOPMENT/JAVA/gen
If don't need @Oneway web service, you can use Holder:
@WebMethod(operationName = "SendRequest", action = "http://abcd.ru/")
public void sendRequest(
@WebParam(name = "Message", targetNamespace = "http://abcd.ru/", partName = "Message")
Data message,
@WebParam(name = "ServiceHeader", targetNamespace = "http://abcd.ru/", header = true, partName = "ServiceHeader")
Holder<Header> serviceHeader);
Not 100% sure as the question is missing some details but if you are using JAX-WS RI, then have a look at Adding SOAP headers when sending requests:
The portable way of doing this is that you create a
and mess with SAAJ, but the RI provides a better way of doing this.When you create a proxy or dispatch object, they implement
interface. When you use the JAX-WS RI, you can downcast toWSBindingProvider
which defines a few more methods provided only by the JAX-WS RI.This interface lets you set an arbitrary number of Header object, each representing a SOAP header. You can implement it on your own if you want, but most likely you'd use one of the factory methods defined on
class to create one.import com.sun.xml.ws.developer.WSBindingProvider; HelloPort port = helloService.getHelloPort(); // or something like that... WSBindingProvider bp = (WSBindingProvider)port; bp.setOutboundHeader( // simple string value as a header, like <simpleHeader>stringValue</simpleHeader> Headers.create(new QName("simpleHeader"),"stringValue"), // create a header from JAXB object Headers.create(jaxbContext,myJaxbObject) );
Update your code accordingly and try again. And if you're not using JAX-WS RI, please update your question and provide more context information.
Update: It appears that the web service you want to call is secured with WS-Security/UsernameTokens. This is a bit different from your initial question. Anyway, to configure your client to send usernames and passwords, I suggest to check the great post Implementing the WS-Security UsernameToken Profile for Metro-based web services (jump to step 4). Using NetBeans for this step might ease things a lot.