jenkins build and run maven code example
Example: jenkins maven commands
mvn clean ==> delete target folder
- mvn clean test ==> delete target folder
and run cucumber tests
- mvn clean verify ==> delete target folder, run cucumber test,
generate cucumber HTML report
- mvn clean verify -P Regression ==> delete target folder,
run Regression profile in pom.xml.
- mvn verify -Dfile = ==>
runs this specific runner class
- mvn install -DskipTests ==> It will skip all tests
- mvn -Dtest=login test ==> Running a Single Test Class:
It will run only login test class
- mvn verify -Dbrowser=firefox --> to run with firefox
- mvn verify -Dbrowser=chrome --> to run with chrome
- mvn verify -Dcucumber.options="--tags @smoke"
-Denv="QA2" --> provide scenarios that you want to run.
No need to change CucumberRunner class.
It overrides runner class configuration.