Jenkins does not start on macOS 10.12 (Sierra)

Seems that Sierra changed the permission of Jenkis folder. So the best solution is:
1. Add execute permissions to org.jenkins-ci.plist:
sudo chmod +x /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.jenkins-ci.plist
2. Set jenkins as the owner of /var/log/jenkins:
sudo chown jenkins /var/log/jenkins
3. Start Jenkins:
sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.jenkins-ci.plist

This happened to me when I upgraded to Sierra and I managed to solve it with the answer from @mac.slusarek . But it happened again recently. This time I had allowed a minor update of the OS and I had also been playing around with SDK Man to switch JDK's. Not sure which one broke my Jenkins but this time around it was not a permissions issue.

I noticed from the logs Jenkins was trying to run on Java 9-ea, which is apparently not supported yet. I had installed Jenkins using the Jenkins installer for Mac, so tried uninstalling:

/Library/Application\ Support/Jenkins/Uninstall.command

and installing again but the issue didn't go away.

Then I found this article suggesting to instead install it using Homebrew. It was as easy as running:

$brew install jenkins

Since I only run it locally for development I don't need to start it as a daemon, so now I just run it by typing


Problem solved. I hope this helps others.