Jenkins get list of builds and parameters
As far as I know, this can't be done in a single API call.
First query all builds.
This will return xml or json output, respectively.
Once you get the build numbers, you can query each build number.
Then you can check the SHA in the result against your SHA.
Jenkins provides a nice api.
It is documented at:
You probably want something like:
Combining @user1255162 's comment to an answer. I had to query set of builds and print its parameter for a report. Here is the code snippet in groovy
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
def root = "<url to job>"
def options = "/api/json?tree=builds[actions[parameters[name,value]],result,building,number,duration,estimatedDuration]"
def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper()
def text = new URL("${root}/${options}").text
def data = jsonSlurper.parseText(text)
data["builds"].each { buildsdata ->
def result = buildsdata["result"]
def num = buildsdata["number"]
print("${root}/${num}/parameters |")
buildsdata["actions"].each { actions ->
if (actions["_class"].equals("hudson.model.ParametersAction")) {
actions["parameters"].sort({}).each { param ->