Jenkins on OS X: xcodebuild gives Code Sign error

I've had the same issue and have been searching around for some time for an answer. Here's one thing that I've learned.

I am running jenkins as the jenkins user, user created by the installer, and as everyone else has mentioned he doesn't have access to the same keychain that your normal user does. Instead of trying to login as the jenkins user, I created a second build project that simply has one build step that is "Execute Shell" in which I run commands I want to test as the jenkins user.

Once I had that set up, I could run the command

security list-keychains

And this revealed to me that the only thing that jenkins could see was the system keychain.

+ security list-keychains

With that knowledge, I then opened the Keychain Access app and copied my "iPhone Developer: xxxx" certificate into the System keychain (Right-click, copy from the "login" keychain).

This got me passed the certificate/private key pair code sign error but opened up another one with the provisioning profile (seems like a similar, but different, issue).

Keychains need to be unlocked before they can be used. You can use security unlock-keychain to unlock. You can do that interactively (safer) or by specifying the password on the command line (unsafe), e.g.:

security unlock-keychain -p mySecretPassword...

Obviously, putting this into a script compromises the security of that keychain, so often people setup an individual keychain with only the signing credentials to minimize such damage.

Typically in Terminal the keychain is already unlocked by your session, since the default keychain is unlocked on login, so you don't need to do that. However, any process not run in your session won't have unlocked keychain even if it has you as the user (most commonly this affects ssh, but also any other process).

To change the password you can use sudo passwd jenkins <new-pw>. However I think it would be better to use the dscl command to change the password.

In my install jenkins (official installer) had a user shell /usr/bin/false. Changing it to bash solved the problem of not being able to login:

sudo dscl . -change /Users/jenkins UserShell /usr/bin/false /bin/bash

You should now be able to login with su jenkins.

Suppose you also want to do ad hoc distribution through Jenkins, this necessitates that Jenkins has access to a Distribution certificate, and the team admin identity, in addition to the provisioning profiles.

Using an exported identity in a .cer file, you can programmatically import it like so, the -A switch is to allow all programs access to this entry. Alternatively, you could use several -T /path/to/program switches to allow codesign and xcodebuild access.:

$ security import devcertificate.cer -k jenkins.keychain -A

Of course, we should also have the Apple WWDCRA certificate, imported in pretty much the same way:

$ security import AppleWWDRCA.cer -k jenkins.keychain -A

However, we also need the private key for the devcertificate.cer. To do this, you need to export the corresponding private key as a .p12 key and set a password. Put it somewhere you can access it from your Jenkins shell, unlock the keychain, and import it:

$ security unlock-keychain -p YourKeychainPass jenkins.keychain
$ security import devprivatekey.p12 -k login.keychain -P ThePasswordYouSetWhenExporting -A

Importing the distribution certificate works the same way. I don't know why you need to unlock the keychain for importing a .p12 and not for a .cer, but well.

You will also need access to the provisioning profiles, I will edit those instructions into this post shortly.


