jenkins when code example
Example 1: jenkins
Jenkins is
1) Open source automation server
2) Helps to automate the non-human part of
the software development process
3) Allows continuous integration
5) In my company Port is 8081 localhost
To run my project in Jenkins
1) I need to Login Jenkins account
2) I need to Create freestyle project
3) after that Install plugins -cucumber report and git
4) Under source code management I choose git and paste git url
5) I Build trigger and I choose to build periodically
6) Invoke top-level maven
2. Goals; clean verify -
7) Under post-build actions
1. Choose cucumber reports
2. Choose editable email notify
8) Editable email notification
1. Attach build log; choose build log
2. Click advanced settings
9) Failure-Any
1. Click advanced
2. Recipient list - email address who will
receive the report. Add comma if multiple
3. Click add trigger - like failure always
4. Attach build log; select attach build log
5. Save
10) Final Step
1. Click build now and test will run and
gives your cucumber report
Example 2: how do you use jenkins
How did you create a Job in jenkins?
In my company devops team maintains
the jenkins and as a tester my jenkins
account user do not have enough privilege
to create new jobs. I provide them server
specifications which means minimum capacity
of the jenkins server (maven, java 8, browser
types(chrome, firefox or what you need), OS(Mac-Windows), etc).
I can only run the jobs and see the results.
To create my smoke tests on jenkins I created
a ticket in jira for the devops team.
But also know how to create and configure
jenkins jobs myself.
I have done it in my previous projects.
How you configure a job(build) in Jenkins?
As a test engineer I only configured
my smoke tests on jenkins.
how we configure our smoke test also depend
s on what tools we have in our framework.
I have a cucumber + junit + maven framework.
So this is how that job is configured:
1. Source Code Management
Here we specify where to get the code from.
we put the link of our GitHub repo
and also enter the credentials
2. Build Triggers
We specify how often we run those tests.
we choose Build periodically because we
want to run in certain schedule.
in my project, we run smoke tests every morning.
so in the build trigger we entered daily option:
H 6 * * * --> every day around 6 am.
Jenkins used a cron expression, and the different fields are:
H * * * * ==> Build every hour at any minute (6.12 am, 8.38pm)
0 * * * * ==> Build every hour at exactly on the hour (6.00 am, 8.00pm)
0 8 * * * ==> Build every day exactly 8.00 am
H/5 * * * * ==> Build every 5 minutes
H 6 * * 1-5 ==> Build around 6 am from first day of the week (Monday) to 5th day (Friday)
H 1 * 6,20 * * ==> Build on 6th and 20th day of the month around 1 am for regression
3. Build
Here we enter the details of the actual Run.
since my project is based on maven,
I choose option: Invoke top-level maven targets
then I choose which maven to run from the
version dropdown. in the next field,
I enter the maven goal: verify. in this field
we do not need to enter the word mvn.
I can also mention here which tag or which
runner class I want to run. So the command will be:
verify -Dcucumber.options="--tags @smoke" ==> for smoke test
verify -Dcucumber.options="--tags @regression" ==> for regression test
4. Add Post-build Actions
In the post build actions, we configure
what we want to do after build. after
each test we generate report and email
a. report
We generate report using Cucumber reports plugin.
I select Cucumber reports plugin from the
Post-build Actions to generate reports.
b. Email
Using the email plugin we can send email
after every build. I select Editable Email
Notification option from the Post-build
Actions to send emails.
Example 3: jenkins command
- mvn verify -Dbrowser=chrome --> to run with chrome
- mvn verify -Dcucumber.options="--tags @smoke"
mvn clean ==> delete target folder
- mvn clean test ==> delete target folder
and run cucumber tests
- mvn clean verify ==> delete target folder, run cucumber test,
generate cucumber HTML report
- mvn clean verify -P Regression ==> delete target folder,
run Regression profile in pom.xml.
- mvn verify -Dfile = ==>
runs this specific runner class
- mvn install -DskipTests ==> It will skip all tests
- mvn -Dtest=login test ==> Running a Single Test Class:
It will run only login test class
- mvn verify -Dbrowser=firefox --> to run with firefox
-Denv="QA2" --> provide scenarios that you want to run.
No need to change CucumberRunner class.
It overrides runner class configuration.