Jersey @Path annotation mandatory at class level

The @Path annotation is used to specify the URI through which a resource and an API can be accessed. Resource in this case is the REST Web service itself. Thus this annotation is present at the class level as well as the method level. It is mandatory to annotate a REST Web resource class with the @Path annotation. Thus if a user wants to access the 'Countries' through the resource 'HelloWorld' context, then:

Resource at the class level would have @Path("/"). This is the default annotation at the class level. Resource at the API level would have @Path("Countries") annotation. As a best practice, the class-level path annotation should be a noun that qualifies the Web service, and the method-level annotation can be a noun or an action (for example, user and add-user, respectively).

You can add empty path @Path("") or @Path("/"). However, this problem may show that you should design your code differently.

Resource classes

A @Path annotation is required to define a resource class. Quoting the Jersey documentation:

Root resource classes are POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects) that are annotated with @Path, have at least one method annotated with @Path or a resource method designator annotation such as @GET, @PUT, @POST, @DELETE.

One possible solution

As already mentioned by Justas, one possible solution is to add the @Path("") annotation to the TestService class. However, it doesn't smell good:

public class TestService {

    public Response getTest1() {

    public Response getTest2() {

A better solution

I don't know what your project looks like, but instead of having a single class, I would have two classes, designed as following:

public class TestService1 {

    public Response getTest1() {
public class TestService2 {

    public Response getTest2() {



