jest, enzyme - testing a method that returns jsx
I think you don't need to call
const renderLinksReturn = wrapper.instance().renderLinks(mockLinksData);
as it will be called when Navbar
will be rendered.
Your solution is correct but in case you want some alternative robust ways to test it.
Since this test specifically tests for IndexLink
and assumes that mockLinksData
contains to = "/"
it('renderLinks should return a IndexLink when passed a link with to:\"/\"', () => {
const wrapper = shallow(<Navbar linksData={mockLinksData}/>);
// You can use both component name or component displayname
// IndexLink or "IndexLink"
// In case you want to test whether indexLink has appropriate props or classes.
const indexLink = wrapper.find(IndexLink).first();
// Check whether indexLink has pass prop
// Check whether indexLink has correct classes set.
// Check whether indexLink displays the link test correctly
To build on top of @Nachiketha 's answer, that syntax won't work when what's returned is a fragment
, this can be solved by wrapping the result in a div
const renderLinks = shallow(<div>
as suggested in this tread.
Faced similar issue where we were passing a jsx component to another component as a prop.
You can shallow render the returned jsx since it's like a valid React Function/Stateless Component. eg:
const renderLinks = shallow(wrapper.instance().renderLinks(mockLinksData))
And continue with your usual enzyme assertions.