JMockit - Expectations vs MockUp<T> Why does one work and the other doesn't?

You are using MockUp<?> incorrectly. MockUp<T? will tell JMockit to redefine a classes loaded to JVM so that instead of the real class initialization of FooStatement, it will replace them by the ones defined in the MockUp<FooStatement.

So basically MockUp<FooStatement> will automatically replace calls of new FooStatement().

Try something like:

public void getFooListWithMockUpTest(@Mocked final Foo mockFoo){

    new MockUp<FooStatement>(){
        public List<Foo> getFoos(){
            return new ArrayList<Foo>(Arrays.asList(mockFoo));

    List<FooStatement> fooStatementList = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(
            new FooStatement(),
            new FooStatement()

    List<Foo> fooList = Deencapsulation.invoke(handler, "getFooList",     fooStatementList);
    Assert.assertTrue(fooList.size() == 2);