Joi validation - how to require or optional field based on another key exists in array?
You can to use Joi.when()
and create a schema like this:
contact: Joi.object().keys({
first_name: Joi.string(),
last_name: Joi.string(),
phone: Joi.string(),
address: Joi.object().keys({
place: Joi.string(),
city: Joi.string().min(2).max(30),
street: Joi.string(),
house_number: Joi.string()
}).when('contact', {
is: Joi.object().keys({
first_name: Joi.exist(),
last_name: Joi.exist(),
phone: Joi.exist(),
then: Joi.object({ place: Joi.required() }).required(),
otherwise: Joi.object({ place: Joi.forbidden() })
passengers_amount: Joi.number(),
notes: Joi.string()
I just simplified your shema so it's easy to understand.
Basically, what we are saying here is, if contact.first_name, contact.last_name and exists, then address and are required, otherwise is forbidden.
For instance, this object will fail, because address does not exist:
address: {
first_name: 'a',
last_name: 'b',
phone: 'c'
and this will fail because does not exist:
address: {
first_name: 'a',
last_name: 'b',
phone: 'c'
contact: {
Finally, according with the schema defined, this object will pass:
address: {
first_name: 'a',
last_name: 'b',
phone: 'c'
contact: {
place: 'd'