Join is working in pgAdmin but not in DB Manager

I also checked because I'm curious, and indeed, I encountered the same error!

In QGIS DB Manager, nothing came out of an exact same pgAdmin join command!

In your DB Manager, you can try to "Create a view".

This has a little more verbosity; in my case, there was an error that was silently passed while simply executing the query:

ERROR:  column "ogc_fid" specified more than once 

Apparently, QGIS needs every column from both tables to have different names (?)

Even if from your screenshots it doesn't seem to be the case for you, it's worth a try.

As figured out by @s.k having the same column names in two tables seem to be causing DB manager to fail (for me without any error messages)

This Query is working, annoying though:

select * from (
(select "status_id" as tbl1_id, "somedate" from "tbl1") sub1
left join 
(select "status_id" as tbl2_id, "data" from "tbl2") sub2
on sub1."tbl1_id" = sub2."tbl2_id")

I cant do that for 50+ tables, guess I'll have to use pgAdmin.