Join Multiple Tables for Aggregates

This request is quite old, but as the accepted answer is wrong, I thought I'd add a correct one, so future readers don't get too confused.

A campain has landers and conversions. If we merely join all tables, we get for a campaign with two landers and three conversions 2 x 3 = 6 result rows. If we sum or count then, we'll get wrong results (the number of landers will be three-fold in the example and the conversion sum will be doubled).

There are mainly two ways to go about this:

Aggregate in subqueries in the select clause.

  id, name,
  (select count(*) from landers l where l.campaign_id = as landers_count,
  (select sum(revenue) from conversions co where co.campaign_id = as total_revenue
from campaigns ca
order by id;

Aggregate before joining.

select,, l.landers_count, co.total_revenue
from campaigns ca
left join
  select campaign_id, count(*) as landers_count
  from landers
  group by campaign_id
) l on l.campaign_id =
left join
  select campaign_id, sum(revenue) as total_revenue
  from conversions
  group by campaign_id
) co on co.campaign_id =
order by;

You can use COALESCE to get zeros instead of nulls in your result.