Join Tables on Date Range in Hive
RTFM - quoting LanguageManual Joins
Hive does not support join conditions that are not equality conditions as it is very difficult to express such conditions as a map/reduce job.
You may try to move the BETWEEN filter to a WHERE clause, resulting in a lousy partially-cartesian-join followed by a post-processing cleanup. Yuck. Depending on the actual cardinality of your "skill group" table, it may work fast - or take whole days.
If your situation allows, do it in two queries.
First with the full join, which can have the range; Then with an outer join, matching on all the columns, but include a where clause for where one of the fields is null.
create table tableC as
select a.*, b.skill_group
from tableA a
, tableB b
where a.employee_id= b.employee_id
and a.cal_date >= b.date_start
and a.cal_date <= b.date_end;
with c as (select * from TableC)
insert into tableC
select a.*, cast(null as string) as skill_group
from tableA a
left join c
on (a.employee_id= c.employee_id
and a.cal_date = c.cal_date)
where c.employee_id is null ;