JPA Cannot resolve column/IntelliJ

You have to associate your data source (create a data source in database view first - aka your real JDBC database connection) with a persistence unit or session factory (hibernate.cfg.xml).

Follow below steps and the warnings will disappear:

  1. Open the Persistence tool window (View | Tool Windows | Persistence).
  2. Right-click the necessary module, persistence unit or session factory, and select Assign Data Sources in the context menu.
  3. In the Assign Data Sources dialog that opens, click the Data Source field and select the necessary data source. (To remove the association with the data source, select .)

See here: Associating data sources with session factories and persistence units

For those who just want to disable this check, go to Intellij IDEA -> Preferences -> Search "Unresolved database references in annotations" and uncheck it. enter image description here (macOS Mojave and Intellij Ultimate 2019.3)
This will disable the inspection and remove all the "Cannot resolve column…" errors on the @Column annotations. Intellij will stop checking if the String column names exist in the database tables. Do it at your own risk.