jquery autocomplete this.source is not a function error

As Shelton stated, the version from devbridge.com (1.1.3) collides with jQuery UI (1.8.4). Got it working by making sure the devbridge version loads after jQuery UI's version.

Answer is that the first parameter of the autocomplete should be an object containing the "source" property. This works

var fakedata = ['test1','test2','test3','test4','ietsanders'];

If you were trying to use autocomplete from http://www.devbridge.com/projects/autocomplete/jquery/#demo, it now collides with the autocomplete method in jQuery UI. I had the same problem and later noticed that I could just use the jQuery UI implementation.

(NOTE: It appears that this page's documentation is wrong: http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Autocomplete#Setup)

If you use it with jQuery UI library it also has plugin named autocomplete. In this case you can use plugin alias devbridgeAutocomplete:

$('.autocomplete').devbridgeAutocomplete({ ... });

This solve the problem with jQuery UI collision