jQuery bind to Paste Event, how to get the content of the paste

There is an onpaste event that works in modern day browsers. You can access the pasted data using the getData function on the clipboardData object.

$("#textareaid").bind("paste", function(e){
    // access the clipboard using the api
    var pastedData = e.originalEvent.clipboardData.getData('text');
} );

Note that bind and unbind are deprecated as of jQuery 3. The preferred call is to on.

All modern day browsers support the Clipboard API.

See also: In Jquery How to handle paste?

I recently needed to accomplish something similar to this. I used the following design to access the paste element and value. jsFiddle demo

$('body').on('paste', 'input, textarea', function (e)
    setTimeout(function ()
        //currentTarget added in jQuery 1.3
        //do stuff

How about this: http://jsfiddle.net/5bNx4/

Please use .on if you are using jq1.7 et al.

Behaviour: When you type anything or paste anything on the 1st textarea the teaxtarea below captures the cahnge.

Rest I hope it helps the cause. :)

Helpful link =>

How do you handle oncut, oncopy, and onpaste in jQuery?

Catch paste input

Events list within .on() should be space-separated. Refer https://api.jquery.com/on/


$(document).ready(function() {
    var $editor    = $('#editor');
    var $clipboard = $('<textarea />').insertAfter($editor);
    if(!document.execCommand('StyleWithCSS', false, false)) {
        document.execCommand('UseCSS', false, true);
    $editor.on('paste keydown', function() {
        var $self = $(this);            
            var $content = $self.html();             