jQuery: Check if character is in string

var str = "i am a string with _";
if (str.indexOf('_') == -1) {
   // will not be triggered because str has _..

and as spender said below on comment, jQuery is not a requirement.. indexOf is a native javascript

There are several ways to do this.

  1. indexOf() method:

    if( str.indexOf('_') != -1 ){
       //do something
       //do something 
  2. Search() method:

     if( str.search("_")!=-1 ){
       //do something
     else {
      //Do something 
  3. :contains() selector:

     if( $("p:contains(_)") ).length{
       //Do something
       //Do something
  4. using a regular expression:

     if( str.match(/_/g) ).length{
       //Do something
       //Do something

I think the first method is the simplest way.