jQuery DataTables - get page of a given row

I ended up writing a small dataTable plugins for it:

// get the page of a given item in order to paginate to it's page on load
$.fn.dataTableExt.oApi.fnGetPageOfRow = function (oSettings, iRow) {
    // get the displayLength being used
    var displayLength = oSettings._iDisplayLength;

    // get the array of nodes, sorted (default) and using current filters in place for all pages (default)
    // see http://datatables.net/docs/DataTables/1.9.beta.1/DataTable.html#%24_details for more detals
    var taskListItems = this.$("tr", { "filter": "applied" });

    // if there's more than one page continue, else do nothing
    if (taskListItems.length <= displayLength) return;

    // get the index of the row inside that sorted/filtered array
    var index = taskListItems.index(iRow);

    // get the page by removing the decimals
    var page = Math.floor(index / displayLength);

    // paginate to that page 

Pass in the iRow and it'll paginate to that item's page.

I've written a function to move you to the page with the given row. However, it uses newer API. The part inside the if is what you want.

function moveToPageWithSelectedItem() {
    var numberOfRows = itemsTable.data().length;
    var rowsOnOnePage = itemsTable.page.len();
    if (rowsOnOnePage < numberOfRows) {
        var selectedNode = itemsTable.row(".selectedItem").node();
        var nodePosition = itemsTable.rows({order: 'current'}).nodes().indexOf(selectedNode);
        var pageNumber = Math.floor(nodePosition / rowsOnOnePage);
        itemsTable.page(pageNumber).draw(false); //move to page with the element

In 1.10 you could simply do:

table.rows( { order: 'applied' } ).nodes().indexOf( ... );

Assuming you are working with a tr node.

edit - sorry that gets the position in the data set. You would need to use the information from page.info().len to then divide that index and get the page number.