jQuery.Deferred().then, how to resolve with multiple parameters

You will have to invoke resolve() or reject() in order to pass multiple arguments.

.then() doesn't include any mechanisms for "spreading" a returned collection. It'll just keep the collection intact as the 1st argument.

But, it will interact with a Deferred or promise that's returned. From the paragraph starting with "As of jQuery 1.8":

These filter functions can return a new value to be passed along to the promise's .done() or .fail() callbacks, or they can return another observable object (Deferred, Promise, etc) which will pass its resolved / rejected status and values to the promise's callbacks.

So, you could use your example of other() as the basis for fn() to keep it fairly succinct with another Deferred():

function fn() {
    return other().then(function () {
        return $.Deferred().resolve(1, 2).promise();

fn().then(function (a, b) {
    console.log(arguments.length, a, b); // 2 1 2
