jQuery drag and drop - checking for a drop outside a droppable

Try to use the event "out" of a droppable element.

This is the documentation

"This event is triggered when an accepted draggable is dragged out (within the tolerance of) this droppable." If I'm right, this is what you need.

What is also possible is to create an element overlay over the whole page. If the element is dropped there you fire your event. Not the best, but I think the only way to do it. Because you need some other "droppable" item to fire these events.

Because the droppable's drop event fires before the draggable's stop event, I think you can set a flag on the element being dragged in the drop event like so:

    accept: '#draggable',
    drop: function(event, ui)
        ui.helper.data('dropped', true);
        // awesome code that works and handles successful drops...

    revert: false,
    start: function(event, ui) {
        ui.helper.data('dropped', false);
    stop: function(event, ui)
        alert('stop: dropped=' + ui.helper.data('dropped'));
        // Check value of ui.helper.data('dropped') and handle accordingly...

I see that you already got an answer; anyway I had this same problem today and I solved it this way:

var outside = 0;

// this one control if the draggable is outside the droppable area
    accept      : '.draggable',
    out         : function(){
        outside = 1;
    over        : function(){
        outside = 0;

// this one control if the draggable is dropped
    accept      : '.draggable',
    drop        : function(event, ui){
        if(outside == 1){
            alert('Dropped outside!');
            alert('Dropped inside!');

I needed that because I couldn't change the options of my draggables, so I had to work only with droppables (I needed it inside the awesome FullCalendar plugin). I suppose it could have some issues using the "greedy" option of droppables, but it should work in most cases.

PS: sorry for my bad english.

EDIT: As suggested, I created the version using the jQuery.data; it can be found here : jsfiddle.net/Polmonite/WZma9/

Anyway jQuery.data documentation say:

Note that this method currently does not provide cross-platform support for setting data on XML documents, as Internet Explorer does not allow data to be attached via expando properties.

(meaning that it doesn't work on IE prior to 8)

EDIT 2: As noted by @Darin Peterson , the previous code doesn't work with more than one drop-area; this should fix that issue: http://jsfiddle.net/Polmonite/XJCmM/

EDIT 3: Example from EDIT 2 has a bug. If I drag "Drag me!" to the bottom droppable, then drop "Drag me too" to the upper droppable and then drop "Drag me too" outside, it alerts "Dropped inside!" So, don't use it.

EDIT 4: As noted by @Aleksey Gor, the example in Edit 2 was wrong; actually, it was more of an example to explain how to loop through all the draggables/droppables, but I actually forgot to remove the alert messages, so it was pretty confusing. Here the updated fiddle.