jquery: find element whose id has a particular pattern

I know this is an old post, but additional information can help future developers who stumble across this. :) To add on to what @cdmckay mentioned, you can combine the attribute selectors to achieve "begins with X and ends with Y".


This will match id "inp1_AddItem", "inp2_AddItem", "inp3_AddItem", etc.

Building on the accepted answer:

It depends on what kind of pattern you're looking for. If your pattern is something like "MasterPageElement_CheckBox_4443", "MasterPageElement_CheckBox_4448", etc. then you could also use:


There are 3 built-in attribute selectors for simple patterns:


That selector matches all spans that have an id attribute and it starts with foo (e.g. fooblah)


That selector matches all spans that have an id attribute and it ends with foo (e.g. blahfoo).


That selector matches all spans that have an id attribute and it has foo somewhere within in it (e.g. blahfooblah).

   if( $(this).attr('id').match(/pattern/) ) {
        // your code goes here

problem solved.