jQuery hide element while preserving its space in page layout

Instead of hide(), use:


hide() sets the display style to none, which completely removes the element from the document flow and causes it to not take up space.

visibility:hidden keeps the space as it is.

in another answer it is noted that jQuery's fadeTo does not set display:none on completion so might also provide a solution here, rather than using fadeOut for example:

jQuery, hide a div without disturbing the rest of the page

display: none; will take it out of the content flow so you'll see your other content move into the empty space left behind. (display: block; brings it back into the flow pushing everything out of the way.)

visibility: hidden; will keep it within the content flow taking up space but simply make it invisible. (visibility: visible; will reveal it again.)

You'll want to use visibility if you want your content flow to remain unchanged.

Try setting the visibility to hidden:

$("#id").css("visibility", "hidden");


