jQuery .html() of all matched elements
You are selection all elements with class .class
but to gather all html content you need to walk trough all of them:
var fullHtml;
$('.class').each(function() {
fullHtml += $(this).html();
search items by containig text inside of it:
$('.class:contains("My Something to search")').each(function() {
// do somethign with that
Code: http://jsfiddle.net/CC2rL/1/
I prefer a one liner:
var fullHtml = $( '<div/>' ).append( $('.class').clone() ).html();
You could map the html()
of each element in a filtered jQuery selection to an array and then join the result:
//Make selection
var html = $('.class')
//Filter the selection, returning only those whose HTML contains string
return this.innerHTML.indexOf("String to search for") > -1
//Map innerHTML to jQuery object
.map(function(){ return this.innerHTML; })
//Convert jQuery object to array
//Join strings together on an empty string
$('.class').toArray().map((v) => $(v).html())