jQuery removing hash value from URL

A simple window.location.hash="" will do it.


It depends on what the hash value does. If it just moves the document down to #a1, you just need to set scrollTop to 0 after document has been loaded probably.


looking on other stackoverflow questions,

parent.location.hash = ''

should do it, but maybe reloads the page (you have to test it)

Other than that, I advice you to handle it during/before your AJAX calls - i.e.

if (hash != 'a1'){ doAjax(); } //pseudocode obviously.

edit 2 with code based on posted code

Or, if you just need to call AJAX with url without hash, you can delete it in string, that calls the jQuery, no?

var $tabValue = $(this).attr('href');
var $withoutHash = $tabValue.substr(0,$tabValue.indexOf('#'));

we basically get a's href before first #