jQuery replace text of element on hover

add another function to the hover event like this:

    $(this).text("I'm replaced!");
}, function() {
    $(this).text("Replace me please");

Link for demo

$('.btn').hover(function() {
    // store $(this).text() in a variable     
    $(this).text("I'm replaced!");
function() {
    // assign it back here

This should do the trick

  var prev;    

  prev = $(this).text();
      $(this).text("I'm replaced!");
  }, function(){

    function() {
        var $this = $(this); // caching $(this)
        $this.data('defaultText', $this.text());
        $this.text("I'm replaced!");
    function() {
        var $this = $(this); // caching $(this)

you could save the original text in a data-defaultText attribute stored in the node itself so to avoid variables