jQuery Steps - reset wizard without page reload

I was able to reset my jQuery steps wizard by adding a few lines of code to the solution here, plus a couple extra lines of code to remove the css classes. You'll still need to reset your form using your preferred library before or after calling this function.

$.fn.steps.reset = function () {
  var wizard = this,
  options = getOptions(this),
  state = getState(this);
  goToStep(wizard, options, state, 0);

  for (i = 1; i < state.stepCount; i++) {
    var stepAnchor = getStepAnchor(wizard, i);

a small correction with the custom reset function :

$.fn.steps.reset = function () {
var wizard = this,
options = getOptions(this),
state = getState(this);

    goToStep(wizard, options, state, 0);   

    for (i = 1; i < state.stepCount; i++) {
    var stepAnchor = getStepAnchor(wizard, i);

I added a if, in case you try to reset at step 0.