JQuery UI sortable in a scrollable container - scroll position "jumps" when sorting

If you modifiy your CSS for the .scroll element by adding:


That should resolve this issue.

Adding overflow-y:scroll to the sortable list even without the height property solved it for me. It only shows a disabled scrollbar, but that's okay.

아래로 스크롤 할때 는 이런식으로 하면 됩니다.

var cY = -1;
var base = 0;
  sort: function(event, ui) {
    var nextCY = event.pageY;
    if(cY - nextCY < -10){
      if(event.clientY + ui.helper.outerHeight(true) - 20 > document.body.clientHeight) {
        base = base === 0 ? event.clientY : base;
        var move = event.clientY - base;
        var curScrollY = $(document).scrollTop();
        $(document).scrollTop(curScrollY + move+3);
        base = event.clientY;
  // .....