JRE issue with getting Spring Tool Suite installed


This solution works with:

Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS

Spring Tool Suite 4 
Version: 4.1.1.RELEASE
Build Id: 201901241133
OS: Linux, v.4.15.0-45-generic, x86_64 / gtk 3.22.30
Java version: 11.0.2

In your Spring Tool Suite root folder add to the file SprintToolSuite4.ini following 2 lines after openFile:


Your SprintToolSuite4.ini file should look now something like this:

enter image description here

Other OSs

Add the right path to your JRE (the java /bin folder) to your ini file.

Your STS/Eclipse is x64 bit I think due to this line "-arch x86_64" in your STS startup error. You'd need to specify -vm argument in STS.ini. For example: -vm C:\Java\JDK\1.6\bin\javaw.exe

The folder you've specified C:\Windows\SysWOW64\javaw.exe... is it pointing to the right x64 VM? The JDK/JRE folder must have bin, lib and other sub-folders. The javaw.exe that you point to must be in the "bin" folder. I don't see the "bin" in your VM path. Keep the file structure of the JDK/JRE folder unchanged.

I had this problem with STS4. Solved it adding -vm parameter in SpringToolSuite4.ini:

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_162\bin\javaw.exe

IMPORTANT: this didn't work when I added the config parameter at the end of the file, it had to be in the middle between openFile and -vmargs lines.

For deeper details about STS/Eclipse INI configuration check Missing tools.jar when launching STS application and eclipse.ini

You need to have C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-14.0.2\bin in your path.

also check that,

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-14.0.2\bin\javaw.exe

in SpringToolSuite4.ini.

Make sure above and then open SpringToolSuite4.exe.