js check if element is visible on screen code example

Example 1: javascript check if element is visible on screen

// Where el is the DOM element you'd like to test for visibility
  function isHidden(el) {
    return (el.offsetParent === null);
  var el = document.getElementById('el');
// if true then element "el" is visible otherwise not visible

Example 2: javascript check if element is visible on scroll

function isOnScreen(elem) {
	// if the element doesn't exist, abort
	if( elem.length == 0 ) {
	var $window = jQuery(window)
	var viewport_top = $window.scrollTop()
	var viewport_height = $window.height()
	var viewport_bottom = viewport_top + viewport_height
	var $elem = jQuery(elem)
	var top = $elem.offset().top
	var height = $elem.height()
	var bottom = top + height

	return (top >= viewport_top && top < viewport_bottom) ||
	(bottom > viewport_top && bottom <= viewport_bottom) ||
	(height > viewport_height && top <= viewport_top && bottom >= viewport_bottom)

jQuery( document ).ready( function() {
	window.addEventListener('scroll', function(e) {
		if( isOnScreen( jQuery( '.shipping-logos' ) ) ) { /* Pass element id/class you want to check */
			alert( 'The specified container is in view.' );