JSDoc support in IntelliJ IDEA

Based on what little information is available in the WebStorm documentation, it looks like IntelliJ IDEA supports the entire JSDoc set. The only other note in the documentation is on viewing inline documentation which only points at the JSDoc SourceForge page.

It's been a bit trial and error, but I have finally been able to get decent results with it. I had especially trouble with getting inheritance for Backbone similar OO to work right. What I ended up doing was things like this:

 * @class App.Views.ProductView
 * @extends App.Views.TemplateView
App.Views.ProductView = App.Views.TemplateView.extend(
  /** @lends App.Views.ProductView **/
       * @param {string} str
       * @return string[]
      method: function (str) {
           return [str, str];

You definitely have to help out a lot manually when inheritance is involved.

As far as I can tell, discrepancies were: you have to provide a name to @class, else it gets confused. @name seems to not work really well. The rest is decent, some of the tags are unused (@event, etc...).