JSON.NET how to remove nodes

I just ended up deserializing to JObject and recursively looping through that to remove unwanted fields. Here's the function for those interested.

private void removeFields(JToken token, string[] fields)
    JContainer container = token as JContainer;
    if (container == null) return;

    List<JToken> removeList = new List<JToken>();
    foreach (JToken el in container.Children())
        JProperty p = el as JProperty;
        if (p != null && fields.Contains(p.Name))
        removeFields(el, fields);

    foreach (JToken el in removeList)

I would create a new data structure with only the required information and copy the data from the first one. Often that is the simpliest approach. Just an idea.

Building off of @[Mohamed Nuur]'s answer, I changed it to an extension method which I think works better:

 public static JToken RemoveFields(this JToken token, string[] fields)
        JContainer container = token as JContainer;
        if (container == null) return token;

        List<JToken> removeList = new List<JToken>();
        foreach (JToken el in container.Children())
            JProperty p = el as JProperty;
            if (p != null && fields.Contains(p.Name))

        foreach (JToken el in removeList)

        return token;

Here is unit test:

     public void can_remove_json_field_removeFields()
        string original = "{\"d\":{\"results\":[{\"__metadata\":{},\"remove\":\"done\",\"prop1\":\"value1\",\"prop2\":\"value2\",\"__some\":\"value\"},{\"__metadata\":{},\"prop3\":\"value1\",\"prop4\":\"value2\",\"__some\":\"value\"}],\"__metadata\":{\"prop3\":\"value1\",\"prop4\":\"value2\"}}}";
        string expected = "{\"d\":{\"results\":[{\"prop1\":\"value1\",\"prop2\":\"value2\",\"__some\":\"value\"},{\"prop3\":\"value1\",\"prop4\":\"value2\",\"__some\":\"value\"}]}}";
        string actual = JToken.Parse(original).RemoveFields(new string[]{"__metadata", "remove"}).ToString(Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.None);
        Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);