Json.net rename properties

We use this approach. You can find the property you want using JObject's SelectToken(). Yes it does support JsonPath.

public static class NewtonsoftExtensions
    public static void Rename(this JToken token, string newName)
        var parent = token.Parent;
        if (parent == null)
            throw new InvalidOperationException("The parent is missing.");
        var newToken = new JProperty(newName, token);

I would suggest reconstructing your JSON with renamed properties. I don't think you should worry about speed penalties as it's usually not an issue. Here's how you can do it.

public static JToken Rename(JToken json, Dictionary<string, string> map)
    return Rename(json, name => map.ContainsKey(name) ? map[name] : name);

public static JToken Rename(JToken json, Func<string, string> map)
    JProperty prop = json as JProperty;
    if (prop != null) 
        return new JProperty(map(prop.Name), Rename(prop.Value, map));

    JArray arr = json as JArray;
    if (arr != null)
        var cont = arr.Select(el => Rename(el, map));
        return new JArray(cont);

    JObject o = json as JObject;
    if (o != null)
        var cont = o.Properties().Select(el => Rename(el, map));
        return new JObject(cont);

    return json;

And here's an example of usage:

var s = @"{ ""A"": { ""B"": 1, ""Test"": ""123"", ""C"": { ""Test"": [ ""1"", ""2"", ""3"" ] } } }";
var json = JObject.Parse(s);

var renamed = Rename(json, name => name == "Test" ? "TestRenamed" : name);
renamed.ToString().Dump();  // LINQPad output

var dict = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "Test", "TestRenamed"} };
var renamedDict = Rename(json, dict);
renamedDict.ToString().Dump();  // LINQPad output